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Purpose and Role of Resource centre

There are many excellent road safety documents and resources already developed and published by others that may be suitable for use in the developing world. Such road safety documents have usually been developed by international organisations ( e.g. WHO, World bank, ADB, GRSP, PIARC, iRAP, etc. ). However, these documents and resources are scattered around on various websites amongst the millions of other websites and documents on the internet. There is no single consolidated source for access to the best of such materials. Unless readers are familiar with these individual organisations and their activities and knowledgeable enough to pick out the most useful documents from the thousands available online, they will not be easily accessed by interested persons in the developing world.

IRSC will operate as a “one-stop” centralised clearing house/resource centre and provide access to downloadable copies of what IRSC considers to be amongst the best free road safety documents from key organisations around the world. There will inevitably be a few potentially useful resources missed or somehow not included amongst those identified by IRSC. However, those selected will provide an initial reasonably complete pool or library of the very best free road safety guidance and references available internationally to assist potential road safety advocates and practitioners in the developing world. IRSC will identify any new publications issued each month that we think are worth downloading so users can just come and check this section of the website each month to download any recent publications. We will also establish and maintain a virtual “library ” of the best and most useful free road safety documents relevant to the developing world so that readers can download those that may be of interest to them.

Some of the most important and most useful road safety publications can be downloaded from the next section ”Free Downloads”

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